Coefficient of asexual reproduction achieved 10 - 12 , which is beneficial for its production.
无性繁殖系数可达10以上, 在生产上有利用价值.
互联网Reproduces easily, available two ways sexual and asexual reproduction, and lower costs.
繁殖容易, 可采用有性和无性两种方式繁殖, 而且成本较低.
互联网The seedless water melons are developed via asexual reproduction.
互联网Asexual reproduction, as by budding , cell division, or parthenogenesis.
互联网Also, it's a form of asexual reproduction with all the disadvantages that entails.
这是无性繁殖的一种常见方式, 当然这种方式也有很多缺点.
互联网Towards the difficulty of breed the Aralia elata, the author explored effect methods of asexual reproduction.
互联网Thank you. Cloning is most simply defined as the asexual reproduction of biological material.
谢谢. 克隆最简单的定义是生物原料的无性繁殖.
互联网Asexual reproduction produces spores called conidia which develop on the tips of specialized aerial hyphae.
互联网During this stage, which can last for several months or years, asexual reproduction occurs.
在能持续几个月或几年的珊瑚虫阶段中, 发生的是无性生殖.
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